Changing Sides – Part One

Changing sides to the other side of the camera is still very unusual for me and I always feel a bit lost. After already sitting half naked in front of @ameliealternate’s camera and ending up naked in front of @michelle.soleil and @sebastian.niebius’s cameras after a really crazy shooting evening, this time I had been (over-)thinking longer in advance (about) the idea of trying again. That didn’t help me as much as i have hoped to overcome my shame barriers and comfort zones beforehand. So I was still very insecure the whole time. In the end it was more of an "ah, f*ck *t, let’s do it". After all the anxiety and struggling, I am especially happy about Sandy’s beautiful pictures, you can find the whole series on her website. The first image in this post was edited by me to make it fit with all my other images. All the following images are edited by Sandy. Thank you so much for this experience and your wonderful works.

It’s important for me to get to know this side of the camera as well, on the one hand to grow as a human being and overcome my insecurities, and on the other hand to be able to empathise even better with people who might end up in front of my camera with the same thoughts and feelings. I have always had huge respect for the people in front of my camera and have always been very grateful for all their trust and openness, this has only increased through these experiences in front of other cameras. I can really recommend this to every creative person, especially if they also work as a photographer in the range of nude photography.