Christina – Forest Walks, 2020

One thing I can see as positive about the restrictions imposed by the pandemic is the fact that I was also forced to adapt and explore new paths in terms of photography, as I wanted to continue to be creative and to stay in contact with other human fellows. This is how I came up with using video calls for creative collaborations after seeing some inspirations. You can find some pictures and thoughts on this here. In addition, as far as the restrictions allowed, I was a lot out and about in nature, alone, with my family and to meet people for collaborations.

Two people outdoor with enough fresh air and distance was a good way to stick to the rules while taking pictures. My photography also changed a lot in this time, the pictures became more spontaneous and more focused on the moment. It was so nice to escape the monotony of the restricted, reduced everyday life, to walk through nature with a wonderful person like Christina, to talk about many different things and to be inspired by nature, to pay attention to the thoughts and feelings of the moment. Most of the pictures in the last year were created in this way.

It was an exciting challenge for me to give up even more control, plan even less and accept things as they came. It was a challenge to leave the comfort zone once again and to go further and further along this new path. The collaborations often became more intense, trusting and intimate, allowing this to happen was also a challenge for me, as I had to re-evaluate my own needs for distance and closeness. It has been very rewarding so far, I feel so enriched by these experiences, both as a human being and as a creative person. So I will certainly continue on this path, even if the restrictions are currently becoming less and the possibilities for other photographic approaches more again.