Definition of catcalling:
The act of shouting harassing and often sexually suggestive, threatening, or derisive comments at someone publicly.
"Hey sexy, hot ass/body/…" is not a compliment. Full stop! Neither online nor offline. No matter how much skin a person shows in everyday life or in pictures online, it is not an invitation to judge the appearance or character, it is not an invitation for pick-up lines or whatever else. No buts, no exceptions. Catcalling means reducing a person to their body and appearance without consent and putting it in a sexual context. Whether the person wants it or not. And it already starts much more subtly than in the example above, likewise it can become much more drastic and threatening.
Can we all please agree that this simply has to stop, online and offline! But agreeing alone is not enough. Especially all the people who are not affected by catcalling themselves are in the position to support those who are affected and denying offenders the space for their actions. Let’s take care of each other so everyone can feel safe.